Venus de Miles would truly not be possible without our amazing volunteers! All volunteers will receive a custom Venus de Miles volunteer t-shirt and lunch, and if you volunteer on event day, you’ll also get two complimentary drinks and access to all our incredible Finish Festival vendors and festivities.
2024 Volunteer Positions
Course Signage Setup: Help put up signage along the course. You will be reimbursed for mileage.
Event Setup: Place signs, set up tables and chairs, organize our merchandise tent, set up start line signage, and more.
Registration/Packet Pick Up: Help riders pick up their registration packets and register any new, day-of riders.
Support Car (SAG): Assist with rides to the finish line for injured or exhausted riders, or help deliver supplies to rest stops. Must have your own vehicle with bike carrying capabilities. You will be reimbursed for mileage.
Rest Stop Captain: Lead the crew at one of our rest stops. This a great position for a group organizer and/or a long time volunteer.
Rest Stop Support: Cheer on our riders at our rest stops, hand out snacks, water, and supplies.
Festival Support: Cheer for riders as they cross the finish line and otherwise help keep our Finish Festival looking and running smoothly!
Parking & Flagging: Assist in parking cars and directing traffic at the entrance to Bohn Park. You are the gatekeeper, quite literally!
Festival Tear Down: Help break down our festival by removing signage, moving tables and chairs, and leaving Bohn Park as beautiful as we found it.
Course Sweeper: Enjoy the course on your bike and follow along after the last rider on your assigned course length. Must be prepared to ride slowly and be on course for several hours. 3 needed.
Gear Check: Collect and organize riders' personal belongs for safe keeping while they're on course, return gear to riders at the Finish Festival.
ID Check: Provide wristbands for riders' complimentary alcoholic beverages at the Finish Festival.
Merchandise Tent: Help riders purchase our one of a kind Venus de Miles merchandise.
Recovery Zone Specialists (Massage Therapists, IV Specialists, other Wellness Activities): Provide wellness services to our riders at our Festival and help them relax, recover, and rejuvenate!
Bicycle Mechanics: Assist with minor bike repairs on-course, at rest stops, or at our Finish Festival!
Cheer Team: Cheer our riders on and provide motivation on-course, at rest stops, or at our Finish Festival!
Content Team: Photographers and videographers needed to cover on-course and Finish Festival content.
Tutu Crew: Ride alongside our riders on-course and be prepared to fix flats and perform basic bike maintenance. Must be able to carry all tools and supplies.
For questions or comments, please contact our team at info@venusdemiles.com or volunteers@venusdemiles.com.