Our sponsors and partners are incredibly valuable to our success, and we’re happy to connect them with the hundreds of Venus community members. All of our partners have an opportunity to elevate the Venus experience and our riders’ lives, and it’s our pleasure to bring you all together.
Our cash partners have the opportunity to add value to the Venus experience and reach a captive audience via our riders and festival attendees. We look for sponsors aligned with our community focus and are happy to connect sponsors to the event.
Our in-kind partners provide products or services for the ride, gaining exposure to hundreds of riders and festival attendees. We seek brands aligned with our community-focused vision and are excited to showcase their offerings at key moments throughout the event.
Our festival partners have the opportunity to get brand exposure and direct contact with hundreds of attendees at our Finish Festival. Whether you’re a jewelry maker or own a yoga studio, we love our festival to be filled with local businesses that fit the interests of our rider base.